09 June 2021

On Principles V: Identity

"The topics of ontology, or metaphysic, are cause, effect, action, passion, identity, opposition, subject, adjunct, and sign." (Isaac Watts, "Logic, or The right use of reason, in the inquiry after truth", 1725)

"Science arises from the discovery of Identity amid Diversity." (William S Jevons, "The Principles of Science: A Treatise on Logic and Scientific Method", 1874)

"The very possibility of mathematical science seems an insoluble contradiction. If this science is only deductive in appearance, from whence is derived that perfect rigour which is challenged by none? If, on the contrary, all the propositions which it enunciates may be derived in order by the rules of formal logic, how is it that mathematics is not reduced to a gigantic tautology? The syllogism can teach us nothing essentially new, and if everything must spring from the principle of identity, then everything should be capable of being reduced to that principle." (Henri Poincaré, "Science and Hypothesis", 1901)

"Metaphors deny distinctions between things: problems often arise from taking structural metaphors too literally. Because unexamined metaphors lead us to assume the identity of unidentical things, conflicts can arise which can only be resolved by understanding the metaphor (which requires its recognition as such), which means reconstructing the analogy on which it is based. […] The unexplained extension of concepts can too often result in the destruction rather than the expansion of meaning." (David Pimm,"Metaphor and Analogy in Mathematics", For the Learning of Mathematics Vol. 1 (3), 1981)

"The idea that one can 'introduce' a kind of objects simply by laying down an identity criterion for them really inverts the proper order of explanation. As Locke clearly understood, one must first have a clear conception of what kind of objects one is dealing with in order to extract a criterion of identity for them from that conception. […] So, rather than 'abstract' a kind of object from a criterion of identity, one must in general 'extract' a criterion of identity from a metaphysically defensible conception of a given kind of objects." (Edward J Lowe, The metaphysics of abstract objects, Journal of Philosophy 92 (10), 1995) 

"There is no unique, global, and universal relation of identity for abstract objects. [...] Abstract objects are of different sorts and this should mean, almost by definition, that there is no global, universal identity for sorts. Each sort X is equipped with an internal relation of identity but there is no identity relation that would apply to all sorts." (Jean-Pierre Marquis," Categorical foundations of mathematics, or how to provide foundations for abstract mathematics", The Review of Symbolic Logic Vol. 6 (1), 2012) 

"Reason is indeed all about identity, or, rather, tautology. Mathematics is the eternal, necessary system of rational, analytic tautology. Tautology is not 'empty', as it is so often characterized by philosophers. It is in fact the fullest thing there, the analytic ground of existence, and the basis of everything. Mathematical tautology has infinite masks to wear, hence delivers infinite variety. Mathematical tautology provides Leibniz’s world that is 'simplest in hypothesis and the richest in phenomena'. No hypothesis cold be simpler than the one revolving around tautologies concerning 'nothing'. There is something - existence - because nothing is tautologous, and 'something' is how that tautology is expressed. If we write x = 0, where x is any expression that has zero as its net result, then we have a world of infinite possibilities where something ('x') equals nothing (0)." (Thomas Stark, "God Is Mathematics: The Proofs of the Eternal Existence of Mathematics", 2018)

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