06 June 2021

On Invariance (1975-1999)

"Because of its foundation in topology, catastrophe theory is qualitative, not quantitative. Just as geometry treated the properties of a triangle without regard to its size, so topology deals with properties that have no magnitude, for example, the property of a given point being inside or outside a closed curve or surface. This property is what topologists call 'invariant' -it does not change even when the curve is distorted. A topologist may work with seven-dimensional space, but he does not and cannot measure (in the ordinary sense) along any of those dimensions. The ability to classify and manipulate all types of form is achieved only by giving up concepts such as size, distance, and rate. So while catastrophe theory is well suited to describe and even to predict the shape of processes, its descriptions and predictions are not quantitative like those of theories built upon calculus. Instead, they are rather like maps without a scale: they tell us that there are mountains to the left, a river to the right, and a cliff somewhere ahead, but not how far away each is, or how large." (Alexander Woodcock & Monte Davis, "Catastrophe Theory", 1978)

"Every branch of geometry can be defined as the study of properties that are unaltered when a specified figure is given specified symmetry transformations. Euclidian plane geometry, for instance, concerns the study of properties that are 'invariant' when a figure is moved about on the plane, rotated, mirror reflected, or uniformly expanded and contracted. Affine geometry studies properties that are invariant when a figure is "stretched" in a certain way. Projective geometry studies properties invariant under projection. Topology deals with properties that remain unchanged even when a figure is radically distorted in a manner similar to the deformation of a figure made of rubber." (Martin Gardner, "Aha! Insight", 1978)

"[…] in trying to prove a concrete geometrical result such as the classification theorem for surfaces, the purely topological structure of the surface (that it be locally euclidean) does not give us much leverage from which to start. On the other hand, although we can define algebraic invariants, such as the fundamental group, for topological spaces in general, they are not a great deal of use to us unless we can calculate them for a reasonably large collection of spaces. Both of these problems may be dealt with effectively by working with spaces that can be broken up into pieces which we can recognize, and which fit together nicely, the so called triangulable spaces." (Mark A Armstrong, "Basic Topology", 1979)

"Showing that two spaces are homeomorphic is a geometrical problem, involving the construction of a specific homeomorphism between them. The techniques used vary with the problem. […] Attempting to prove that two spaces are not homeomorphic to one another is a problem of an entirely different nature. We cannot possibly examine each function between the two spaces individually and check that it is not a homeomorphism. Instead we look for 'topological invariants' of spaces: an invariant may be a geometrical property of the space, a number like the Euler number defined for the space, or an algebraic system such as a group or a ring constructed from the space. The important thing is that the invariant be preserved by a homeomorphism- hence its name. If we suspect that two spaces are not homeomorphic, we may be able to confirm our suspicion by computing some suitable invariant and showing that we obtain different answers." (Mark A Armstrong, "Basic Topology", 1979)

"An essential condition for a theory of choice that claims normative status is the principle of invariance: different representations of the same choice problem should yield the same preference. That is, the preference between options should be independent of their description. Two characterizations that the decision maker, on reflection, would view as alternative descriptions of the same problem should lead to the same choice-even without the benefit of such reflection." (Amos Tversky & Daniel Kahneman, "Rational Choice and the Framing of Decisions", The Journal of Business Vol. 59 (4), 1986)

"Axiomatic theories of choice introduce preference as a primitive relation, which is interpreted through specific empirical procedures such as choice or pricing. Models of rational choice assume a principle of procedure invariance, which requires strategically equivalent methods of elicitation to yield the same preference order." (Amos Tversky et al, "The Causes of Preference Reversal", The American Economic Review Vol. 80 (1), 1990)

"Scaling invariance results from the fact that homogeneous power laws lack natural scales; they do not harbor a characteristic unit (such as a unit length, a unit time, or a unit mass). Such laws are therefore also said to be scale-free or, somewhat paradoxically, 'true on all scales'. Of course, this is strictly true only for our mathematical models. A real spring will not expand linearly on all scales; it will eventually break, at some characteristic dilation length. And even Newton's law of gravitation, once properly quantized, will no doubt sprout a characteristic length." (Manfred Schroeder, "Fractals, Chaos, Power Laws Minutes from an Infinite Paradise", 1990)

"The unifying concept underlying fractals, chaos, and power laws is self-similarity. Self-similarity, or invariance against changes in scale or size, is an attribute of many laws of nature and innumerable phenomena in the world around us. Self-similarity is, in fact, one of the decisive symmetries that shape our universe and our efforts to comprehend it." (Manfred Schroeder, "Fractals, Chaos, Power Laws Minutes from an Infinite Paradise", 1990)

"Homology theory introduces a new connection between invariants of manifolds. Continuing the "physical" analogy, we say that a homology theory studies the intrinsic structure of a manifold by breaking it into a system of portions arranged simply, or, more precisely, in a standard way. Then, given certain rules for glueing the portions together, the theory obtains the whole manifold. The main problem consists in proving the resultant geometric quantities that are independent of the decomposition and glueing (i.e., proving the topological invariance of the characteristics)." (Michael IMonastyrsky, "Topology of Gauge Fields and Condensed Matter", 1993)

"Symmetry is basically a geometrical concept. Mathematically it can be defined as the invariance of geometrical patterns under certain operations. But when abstracted, the concept applies to all sorts of situations. It is one of the ways by which the human mind recognizes order in nature. In this sense symmetry need not be perfect to be meaningful. Even an approximate symmetry attracts one's attention, and makes one wonder if there is some deep reason behind it." (Eguchi Tohru & ‎K Nishijima ," Broken Symmetry: Selected Papers Of Y Nambu", 1995)

"The cliché became, erroneously, 'everything is relative'; whereas the point is that out of the vast flux one can distill the very opposite: 'some things are invariant'." (Gerald Holton, "Einstein, History, and Other Passions: The Rebellion Against Science at the End of the Twentieth Century", 1996)

"How deep truths can be defined as invariants – things that do not change no matter what; how invariants are defined by symmetries, which in turn define which properties of nature are conserved, no matter what. These are the selfsame symmetries that appeal to the senses in art and music and natural forms like snowflakes and galaxies. The fundamental truths are based on symmetry, and there’s a deep kind of beauty in that." (K C Cole, "The Universe and the Teacup: The Mathematics of Truth and Beauty", 1997)

"Homology theory studies properties of manifolds by decomposing them into simpler parts. The structure of these parts can be investigated easily by introducing algebraic characteristics associated with these decompositions. The main difficulty lies in proving that the corresponding characteristics of the decomposition, in fact, do not depend on the particular choice of the decomposition but are rather a topological invariant of the manifold itself." (Michael I Monastyrsky, "Riemann, Topology, and Physics", 1999)

"Cybernetics is the science of effective organization, of control and communication in animals and machines. It is the art of steersmanship, of regulation and stability. The concern here is with function, not construction, in providing regular and reproducible behaviour in the presence of disturbances. Here the emphasis is on families of solutions, ways of arranging matters that can apply to all forms of systems, whatever the material or design employed. [...] This science concerns the effects of inputs on outputs, but in the sense that the output state is desired to be constant or predictable – we wish the system to maintain an equilibrium state. It is applicable mostly to complex systems and to coupled systems, and uses the concepts of feedback and transformations (mappings from input to output) to effect the desired invariance or stability in the result." (Chris Lucas, "Cybernetics and Stochastic Systems", 1999)

"One of the basic tasks of topology is to learn to distinguish nonhomeomorphic figures. To this end one introduces the class of invariant quantities that do not change under homeomorphic transformations of a given figure. The study of the invariance of topological spaces is connected with the solution of a whole series of complex questions: Can one describe a class of invariants of a given manifold? Is there a set of integral invariants that fully characterizes the topological type of a manifold? and so forth." (Michael I Monastyrsky, "Riemann, Topology, and Physics", 1999)

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