06 June 2021

On Invariance I (-1949)

"The calculation of probabilities is of the utmost value, […] but in statistical inquiries there is need not so much of mathematical subtlety as of a precise statement of all the circumstances. The possible contingencies are too numerous to be covered by a finite number of experiments, and exact calculation is, therefore, out of the question. Although nature has her habits, due to the recurrence of causes, they are general, not invariable. Yet empirical calculation, although it is inexact, may be adequate in affairs of practice." (Gottfried W Leibniz [letter to Bernoulli], 1703)

"The analytical equations, unknown to the ancient geometers, which Descartes was the first to introduce into the study of curves and surfaces, are not restricted to the properties of figures, and to those properties which are the object of rational mechanics; they extend to all general phenomena. There cannot be a language more universal and more simple, more free from errors and from obscurities, that is to say more worthy to express the invariable relations of natural things." (Joseph Fourier, "The Analytical Theory of Heat", 1822)

"There cannot be a language more universal and more simple, more free from errors and obscurities [...] more worthy to express the invariable relations of all natural things [than mathematics]. [It interprets] all phenomena by the same language, as if to attest the unity and simplicity of the plan of the universe, and to make still more evident that unchangeable order which presides over all natural causes." (Joseph Fourier, "The Analytical Theory of Heat", 1822)

"In our century the conceptions substitution and substitution group, transformation and transformation group, operation and operation group, invariant, differential invariant and differential parameter, appear more and more clearly as the most important conceptions of mathematics." (Sophus Lie, Leipziger Berichte No. 47, 1896)

"It [mathematics] is in the inner world of pure thought, where all entia dwell, where is every type of order and manner of correlation and variety of relationship, it is in this infinite ensemble of eternal verities whence, if there be one cosmos or many of them, each derives its character and mode of being, - it is there that the spirit of mathesis has its home and its life. [/] Is it a restricted home, a narrow life, static and cold and grey with logic, without artistic interest, devoid of emotion and mood and sentiment? That world, it is true, is not a world of solar light, not clad in the colours that liven and glorify the things of sense, but it is an illuminated world, and over it all and everywhere throughout are hues and tints transcending sense, painted there by radiant pencils of psychic light, the light in which it lies. It is a silent world, and, nevertheless, in respect to the highest principle of art - the interpenetration of content and form, the perfect fusion of mode and meaning - it even surpasses music. In a sense, it is a static world, but so, too, are the worlds of the sculptor and the architect. The figures, however, which reason constructs and the mathematic vision beholds, transcend the temple and the statue, alike in simplicity and in intricacy, in delicacy and in grace, in symmetry and in poise. Not only are this home and this life thus rich in aesthetic interests, really controlled and sustained by motives of a sublimed and supersensuous art, but the religious aspiration, too, finds there, especially in the beautiful doctrine of invariants, the most perfect symbols of what it seeks - the changeless in the midst of change, abiding things hi a world of flux, configurations that remain the same despite the swirl and stress of countless hosts of curious transformations." (Cassius J Keyser, "The Universe and Beyond", Hibbert Journal, 1904-1906)

"The power of differential calculus is that it linearizes all problems by going back to the 'infinitesimally small', but this process can be used only on smooth manifolds. Thus our distinction between the two senses of rotation on a smooth manifold rests on the fact that a continuously differentiable coordinate transformation leaving the origin fixed can be approximated by a linear transformation at О and one separates the (nondegenerate) homogeneous linear transformations into positive and negative according to the sign of their determinants. Also the invariance of the dimension for a smooth manifold follows simply from the fact that a linear substitution which has an inverse preserves the number of variables." (Hermann Weyl, "The Concept of a Riemann Surface", 1913)

"There appears a fundamental principle which can serve to characterize all possible geometries. […] Given any group of transformations in space which includes the principal group as a sub-group, then the invariant theory of this group gives a definite kind of geometry, and every possible geometry can be obtained in this way." (Felix Klein, "Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint", 1919)

"The sequence of different positions of the same particle at different times forms a one-dimensional continuum in the four-dimensional space-time, which is called the world-line of the particle. All that physical experiments or observations can teach us refers to intersections of world-lines of different material particles, light-pulsations, etc., and how the course of the world-line is between these points of intersection is entirely irrelevant and outside the domain of physics. The system of intersecting world-lines can thus be twisted about at will, so long as no points of intersection are destroyed or created, and their order is not changed. It follows that the equations expressing the physical laws must be invariant for arbitrary transformations." (Willem de Sitter, "Kosmos", 1932) 

"The theory [of categories] also emphasizes that, whenever new abstract objects are constructed in a specified way out of given ones, it is advisable to regard the construction of the corresponding induced mappings on these new objects as an integral part of their definition. The pursuit of this program entails a simultaneous consideration of objects and their mappings (in our terminology, this means the consideration not of individual objects but of categories). This emphasis on the specification of the type of mappings employed gives more insight onto the degree of invariance of the various concepts involved." (Samuel Eilenberg & Saunders Mac Lane, "A general theory of natural equivalences", Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 58, 1945)

"For mathematics, in a wilderness of tragedy and change, is a creature of the mind, born to the cry of humanity in search of an invariant reality, immutable in substance, unalterable with time." (Cletus O Oakley, The American Mathematical Monthly, 1949)

"We have assumed that the laws of nature must be capable of expression in a form which is invariant for all possible transformations of the space-time co-ordinates." (Gerald J Whitrow, "The Structure of the Universe: An Introduction to Cosmology", 1949)

"In mathematics there is no understanding. In mathematics there are only necessities, laws of existence, invariant relationships. Thus any mathematico-mechanistic outlook must, in the last analysis, waive all understanding. For, we only understand when we know the motives; where there are no motives, all understanding ceases." (Friedrich W Nietzsche) [attributed]

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