31 July 2021

On Logic (2000-2009)

"Simple observation generally gets us nowhere. It is the creative imagination that increases our understanding by finding connections between apparently unrelated phenomena, and forming logical, consistent theories to explain them. And if a theory turns out to be wrong, as many do, all is not lost. The struggle to create an imaginative, correct picture of reality frequently tells us where to go next, even when science has temporarily followed the wrong path." (Richard Morris, "The Universe, the Eleventh Dimension, and Everything: What We Know and How We Know It", 1999)

"Mathematics is not placid, static and eternal. […] Most mathematicians are happy to make use of those axioms in their proofs, although others do not, exploring instead so-called intuitionist logic or constructivist mathematics. Mathematics is not a single monolithic structure of absolute truth!" (Gregory J Chaitin, "A century of controversy over the foundations of mathematics", 2000)

"The seeming absence of any ascertained organizing principle in the distribution or the succession of the primes had bedeviled mathematicians for centuries and given Number Theory much of its fascination. Here was a great mystery indeed, worthy of the most exalted intelligence: since the primes are the building blocks of the integers and the integers the basis of our logical understanding of the cosmos, how is it possible that their form is not determined by law? Why isn't 'divine geometry' apparent in their case?" (Apostolos Doxiadis, "Uncle Petros and Goldbach's Conjecture", 2000)

"What does a rigorous proof consist of? The word ‘proof’ has a different meaning in different intellectual pursuits. A ‘proof’ in biology might consist of experimental data confirming a certain hypothesis; a ‘proof’ in sociology or psychology might consist of the results of a survey. What is common to all forms of proof is that they are arguments that convince experienced practitioners of the given field. So too for mathematical proofs. Such proofs are, ultimately, convincing arguments that show that the desired conclusions follow logically from the given hypotheses." (Ethan Bloch, "Proofs and Fundamentals", 2000)

"Zero is behind all of the big puzzles in physics. The infinite density of the black hole is a division by zero. The big bang creation from the void is a division by zero. The infinite energy of the vacuum is a division by zero. Yet dividing by zero destroys the fabric of mathematics and the framework of logic - and threatens to undermine the very basis of science. […] The universe begins and ends with zero." (Charles Seife ."Zero, the Biography of a Dangerous Idea", 2000)

"[…] interval mathematics and fuzzy logic together can provide a promising alternative to mathematical modeling for many physical systems that are too vague or too complicated to be described by simple and crisp mathematical formulas or equations. When interval mathematics and fuzzy logic are employed, the interval of confidence and the fuzzy membership functions are used as approximation measures, leading to the so-called fuzzy systems modeling." (Guanrong Chen & Trung Tat Pham, "Introduction to Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Logic, and Fuzzy Control Systems", 2001)

"That a proof must be convincing is part of the anthropology of mathematics, providing the key to understanding mathematics as a human activity. We invoke the logic of mathematics when we demand that every informal proof be capable of being formalized within the confines of a definite formal system. Finally, the epistemology of mathematics comes into play with the requirement that a proof be surveyable. We can't really say that we have created a genuine piece of knowledge unless it can be examined and verified by others; there are no private truths in mathematics.(John L Casti, "Mathematical Mountaintops: The Five Most Famous Problems of All Time", 2001)

"[…] we underestimate the share of randomness in about everything […]  The degree of resistance to randomness in one’s life is an abstract idea, part of its logic counterintuitive, and, to confuse matters, its realizations nonobservable." (Nassim N Taleb, "Fooled by Randomness", 2001)

"The fuzzy set theory is taking the same logical approach as what people have been doing with the classical set theory: in the classical set theory, as soon as the two-valued characteristic function has been defined and adopted, rigorous mathematics follows; in the fuzzy set case, as soon as a multi-valued characteristic function (the membership function) has been chosen and fixed, a rigorous mathematical theory can be fully developed." (Guanrong Chen & Trung Tat Pham, "Introduction to Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Logic, and Fuzzy Control Systems", 2001)

"While mathematical truth is the aim of inquiry, some falsehoods seem to realize this aim better than others; some truths better realize the aim than other truths and perhaps even some falsehoods realize the aim better than some truths do. The dichotomy of the class of propositions into truths and falsehoods should thus be supplemented with a more fine-grained ordering - one which classifies propositions according to their closeness to the truth, their degree of truth-likeness or verisimilitude. The problem of truth-likeness is to give an adequate account of the concept and to explore its logical properties and its applications to epistemology and methodology." (Graham Oddie, "Truth-likeness", Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2001)

"One can be highly functionally numerate without being a mathematician or a quantitative analyst. It is not the mathematical manipulation of numbers (or symbols representing numbers) that is central to the notion of numeracy. Rather, it is the ability to draw correct meaning from a logical argument couched in numbers. When such a logical argument relates to events in our uncertain real world, the element of uncertainty makes it, in fact, a statistical argument." (Eric R Sowey, "The Getting of Wisdom: Educating Statisticians to Enhance Their Clients' Numeracy", The American Statistician 57(2), 2003)

"Pure mathematics was characterized by an obsession with proof, rigor, beauty, and elegance, and sought its foundations in the disembodied worlds of logic or intuition. Far from being coextensive with physics, pure mathematics could be ‘applied’ only after it had been made foundationally secure by the purists." (Andrew Warwick, "Masters of Theory: Cambridge and the rise of mathematical physics", 2003)

"We start from vague pictures or ideas […] which we encapsulate by rules, and then we discover that those rules persuade us to modify our mental images. We engage in a dialog between our mental images and our ability to justify them via equations. As we understand what we are investigating more clearly, the pictures become sharper and the equations more elaborate. Only at the end of the process does anything like a formal set of axioms followed by logical proofs" (E Brian Davies, "Science in the Looking Glass", 2003)

"A theorem is never arrived at in the way that logical thought would lead you to believe or that posterity thinks. It is usually much more accidental, some chance discovery in answer to some kind of question. Eventually you can rationalize it and say that this is how it fits. Discoveries never happen as neatly as that. You can rewrite history and make it look much more logical, but actually it happens quite differently." (Sir Michael Atiyah, 2004)

"Nature does weird things. It lives on the edge. But it is careful to bob and weave from the fatal punch of logical paradox." (Brian Greene, "The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality", 2004)

"The inner mysteries of quantum mechanics require a willingness to extend one’s mental processes into a strange world of phantom possibilities, endlessly branching into more and more abstruse chains of coupled logical networks, endlessly extending themselves forward and even backwards in time." (John C Ward, "Memoirs of a Theoretical Physicist", 2004)

"It seems that scientists are often attracted to beautiful theories in the way that insects are attracted to flowers - not by logical deduction, but by something like a sense of smell." (Steven Weinberg, "Physics Today", 2005)

"Mathematics is not about abstract entities alone but is about relation of abstract entities with real entities. […] Adequacy relations between abstract and real entities provide space or opportunity where mathematical and logical thought operates parsimoniously."  (Navjyoti Singh, "Classical Indian Mathematical Thought", 2005)

"It makes no sense to seek a single best way to represent knowledge - because each particular form of expression also brings its particular limitations. For example, logic-based systems are very precise, but they make it hard to do reasoning with analogies. Similarly, statistical systems are useful for making predictions, but do not serve well to represent the reasons why those predictions are sometimes correct." (Marvin Minsky, "The Emotion Machine: Commonsense Thinking, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future of the Human Mind", 2006)

"Logic is the study of methods and principles of reasoning, where reasoning means obtaining new propositions from existing propositions. In classical logic, propositions are required to be either true or false; that is, the truth value of a proposition is either 0 or 1. Fuzzy logic generalizes classical two-value logic by allowing the truth values of a proposition to be any numbers in [0, 1]. This generalization allows us to perform fuzzy reasoning, also called approximate reasoning; that is, deducing imprecise conclusions (fuzzy propositions) from a collection of imprecise premises (fuzzy propositions). In this section, we first introduce some basic concepts and principles in classical logic and then study their generalizations to fuzzy logic." (Huaguang Zhang & Derong Liu, "Fuzzy Modeling and Fuzzy Control", 2006)

"Metaphorizing is a manner of thinking, not a property of thinking. It is a capacity of thought, not its quality. It represents a mental operation by which a previously existing entity is described in the characteristics of another one on the basis of some similarity or by reasoning. When we say that something is (like) something else, we have already performed a mental operation. This operation includes elements such as comparison, paralleling and shaping of the new image by ignoring its less satisfactory traits in order that this image obtains an aesthetic value. By this process, for an instant we invent a device, which serves as the pole vault for the comparison’s jump. Once the jump is made the pole vault is removed. This device could be a lightning-speed logical syllogism, or a momentary created term, which successfully merges the traits of the compared objects." (Ivan Mladenov, "Conceptualizing Metaphors: On Charles Peirce’s marginalia", 2006)

"There is a big debate as to whether logic is part of mathematics or mathematics is part of logic. We use logic to think. We notice that our thinking, when it is valid, goes in certain patterns. These patterns can be studied mathematically. Thus, logic is a part of mathematics, called 'mathematical logic'." (Avner Ash & Robert Gross, "Fearless Symmetry: Exposing the hidden patterns of numbers", 2006) 

"[…] statistical thinking, though powerful, is never as easy or automatic as simply plugging numbers into formulas. In order to use statistical methods appropriately, you need to understand their logic, not just the computing rules." (Ann E Watkins et al, "Statistics in Action: Understanding a World of Data", 2007)

"Human language is a vehicle of truth but also of error, deception, and nonsense. Its use, as in the present discussion, thus requires great prudence. One can improve the precision of language by explicit definition of the terms used. But this approach has its limitations: the definition of one term involves other terms, which should in turn be defined, and so on. Mathematics has found a way out of this infinite regression: it bypasses the use of definitions by postulating some logical relations (called axioms) between otherwise undefined mathematical terms. Using the mathematical terms introduced with the axioms, one can then define new terms and proceed to build mathematical theories. Mathematics need, not, in principle rely on a human language. It can use, instead, a formal presentation in which the validity of a deduction can be checked mechanically and without risk of error or deception." (David Ruelle, "The Mathematician's Brain", 2007)

"It thus stands to reason that mathematical structures have a dual origin: in part human, in part purely logical. Human mathematics requires short formulations (because of our poor memory, etc.). But mathematical logic dictates that theorems with a short formulation may have very long proofs, as shown by Gödel. Clearly you don't want to go through the same long proof again and again. You will try instead to use repeatedly the short theorem that you have obtained. And an important tool to obtain short formulations is to give short names to mathematical objects that occur repeatedly. These short names describe new concepts. So we see how concept creation arises in the practice of mathematics as a consequence of the inherent logic of the sub ject and of the nature of human mathematicians." (David Ruelle, "The Mathematician's Brain", 2007)

"Logic moves in one direction, the direction of clarity, coherence, and structure. Ambiguity moves in the other direction, that of fluidity, openness, and release. Mathematics moves back and forth between these two poles. Mathematics is not a fixed, static entity that can be structured definitively. It is dynamic, alive: its dynamism a function of the relationship between the two poles that have been described above. It is the interactions between these different aspects that give mathematics its power." (William Byers, "How Mathematicians Think", 2007)

"Mathematics as done by mathematicians is not just heaping up statements logically deduced from the axioms. Most such statements are rubbish, even if perfectly correct. A good mathematician will look for interesting results. These interesting results, or theorems, organize themselves into meaningful and natural structures, and one may say that the object of mathematics is to find and study these structures." (David Ruelle, "The Mathematician's Brain", 2007)

"There is no other scientific or analytical discipline that uses proof as readily and routinely as does mathematics. This is the device that makes theoretical mathematics special: the tightly knit chain of reasoning, following strict logical rules, that leads inexorably to a particular conclusion. It is proof that is our device for establishing the absolute and irrevocable truth of statements […]." (Steven G Krantz, "The Proof is in the Pudding", 2007)

"We speak of mathematical reality as we speak of physical reality. They are different but both quite real. Mathematical reality is of logical nature, while physical reality is tied to the universe in which we live and which we perceive through our senses. This is not to say that we can readily define mathematical or physical reality, but we can relate to them by making mathematical proofs or physical experiments." (David Ruelle, "The Mathematician's Brain", 2007)

"With mathematics and particularly mathematical logic, we come to grips with the most remote, the most nonhuman objects that the human mind has encountered. And this icy remoteness exerts on some people an irresistible fascination." (David Ruelle, "The Mathematician's Brain", 2007)

"A worldview must be coherent, logical and adequate. Coherence means that the fundamental ideas constituting the worldview must be seen as proceeding from a single, unifying, overarching concept. A logical worldview means simply that the various ideas constituting it should not be contradictory. Adequate means that it is capable of explaining, logically and coherently, every element of contemporary experience." (M. G. Jackson, "Transformative Learning for a New Worldview: Learning to Think Differently", 2008)

"As students, we learned mathematics from textbooks. In textbooks, mathematics is presented in a rigorous and logical way: definition, theorem, proof, example. But it is not discovered that way. It took many years for a mathematical subject to be understood well enough that a cohesive textbook could be written. Mathematics is created through slow, incremental progress, large leaps, missteps, corrections, and connections." (Richard S Richeson, "Eulers Gem: The Polyhedron Formula and the birth of Topology", 2008)

"Therefore, mathematical ecology does not deal directly with natural objects. Instead, it deals with the mathematical objects and operations we offer as analogs of nature and natural processes. These mathematical models do not contain all information about nature that we may know, but only what we think are the most pertinent for the problem at hand. In mathematical modeling, we have abstracted nature into simpler form so that we have some chance of understanding it. Mathematical ecology helps us understand the logic of our thinking about nature to help us avoid making plausible arguments that may not be true or only true under certain restrictions. It helps us avoid wishful thinking about how we would like nature to be in favor of rigorous thinking about how nature might actually work." (John Pastor, "Mathematical Ecology of Populations and Ecosystems", 2008)

"Zero is the mathematically defined numerical function of nothingness. It is used not for an evasion but for an apprehension of reality. Zero is by far the most interesting number among all the others: It is a symbol for what is not there. It is an emptiness that increases any number it's added to. Zero is an inexhaustible and indispensable paradox. Zero is the only number which can be divided by every other number. Zero is also only number which can divide no other number. It seems zero is also the most debated number in mathematics. We know that mathematicians are involved in heated philosophical and logical discussions around the issues of zero: Can we divide a number by zero? Is the result of this division infinity or not? Is zero a positive or a negative number? Is it even or is it odd?" (Fahri Karakas, "Reflections on zero and zero-centered spirituality in organizations", 2008)

"Fuzzy logic is an application area of fuzzy set theory dealing with uncertainty in reasoning. It utilizes concepts, principles, and methods developed within fuzzy set theory for formulating various forms of sound approximate reasoning. Fuzzy logic allows for set membership values to range (inclusively) between 0 and 1, and in its linguistic form, imprecise concepts like 'slightly', 'quite' and 'very'. Specifically, it allows partial membership in a set." (Larbi Esmahi et al,  Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Systems, 2009)

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