23 July 2021

Out of Context: On Metaphor (Definitions)

"Like every other aspect of scientific procedure, the scientific metaphor is a pragmatic device, to be used freely as long as it serves its purpose, to be discarded without regrets when it fails to do so." (Anatol Rapoport, "Operational Philosophy", 1954)

"Every metaphor is the tip of a submerged model." (Max Black," Models and Metaphors", 1962)

"Rationality consists [of] the continuous adaptation of our language to our continually expanding world, and metaphor is one of the chief means by which this is accomplished." (Mary B Hesse, "Models and Analogies in Science", 1966)

"But metaphor is an indispensable tool of thought and expression - a characteristic of all human communication, even of that of the scientist." (Gregory Bateson, "Steps to an Ecology of Mind", 1972) 

"A metaphor is a word used in an unfamiliar context to give us a new insight; a good metaphor moves us to see our ordinary world in an extraordinary way." (Sallie McFague, "Speaking in Parables", 1975)

"Metaphor is for most people a device of the poetic imagination and the rhetorical flourish - a matter of extraordinary rather than ordinary language. Moreover, metaphor is typically lviewed as characteristic of language alone, a matter of words rather than thought or action." (George Lakoff & Mark Johnson, "Metaphors we Live by", 1980)

"Analogies, metaphors, and emblems are the threads by which the mind holds on to the world even when, absentmindedly, it has lost direct contact with it, and they guarantee the unity of human experience." (Hannah Arendt, "The Life of the Mind", 1981)

"Metaphor [is] a pervasive mode of understanding by which we project patterns from one domain of experience in order to structure another domain of a different kind. So conceived metaphor is not merely a linguistic mode of expression; rather, it is one of the chief cognitive structures by which we are able to have coherent, ordered experiences that we can reason about and make sense of.“ (Mark Johnson, “The Body in the Mind”, 1987)

"Metaphor is the default form of thought, providing many angles from which to literally 'see' the world." (Marcel Danesi, "Poetic Logic: The Role of Metaphor in Thought, Language, and Culture", 2004)

"Metaphor is a primary cognitive tool by which we make sense of the world." (Terry Marks-Tarlow, "Psyche's Veil: Psychotherapy, Fractals and Complexity", 2008)

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