22 July 2021

Out of Context: Philosophy is... (Definitions)

"Philosophy is certainly the medicine of the soul." (Marcus Tullius Cicero, "Tusculan Disputations", 45 BC)

"Philosophy is written in this grand book, the universe, which stands continually open to our gaze." (Galileo Galilei, "The Assayer", 1623)

"Philosophy is such an impertinently litigious lady that a man had as good be engaged in law suits as have to do with her." (Isaac Newton, [letter to Edmond Halley] 1686)

"Each of the parts of philosophy is a philosophical whole, a circle rounded and complete in itself." (Georg W F Hegel, "Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences", 1816)

"Philosophy is its own time comprehended in thoughts." (Georg W F Hegel, "Philosophy of Right", 1821)

"Philosophy is properly Home-sickness; the wish to be everywhere at home." (Georg von Hardenberg [Novalis], 1829)

"Philosophy and the arts are but a manifestation of the intelligible ideas that move the public mind; and thus they become visible images of the nations whence they emanate." (Lydia M Child, "Philothea", 1836)

"Philosophy [...] is a science, and as such has no articles of faith [...]" (Arthur Schopenhauer, Parerga and Paralipomena, 1851)

"Philosophy is the microscope of thought." (Victor Hugo, "Les Misérables", 1862)

"A system of philosophy, or metaphysics, is a union of a world view and a life view in one harmonious, complete, integral conception." (Joseph Alexander Leighton, "Man and the Cosmos - An introduction to Metaphysics", 1922)

"Every philosophy is tinged with the coloring of some secret imaginative, which never emerges explicitly into its trains of reasoning." (Alfred N Whitehead, "Science and the Modern World", 1925)

"Philosophy is the attempt to formulate principles or categories which the philosopher already possesses, in common with everyone else, but in an unformulated state." (Otis H Lee, "Philosophy of Science", Philosophy of Science 7 (1), 1940)

"Philosophy is in history, and is never independent of historical discourse." (Maurice Merleau-Ponty, "Éloge de la philosophie" ["In Praise of Philosophy"], 1953)

"Philosophy is metaphysics." (Martin Heidegger, "The End of Philosophy and the Task of Thinking", 1964)

"Philosophy is concerned with two matters: soluble questions that are trivial and critical questions that are insoluble." (Stefan Kanfer, Time magazine, 1982)

"I believe that philosophy is part of literature, and not the reverse." (Paul Virilio, [interview with Louise Wilson] 1994)

"[...] a philosophy is a scholarly discipline divided into special fields, every one of which is usually cultivated independently of the others." (Mario Bunge, "Matter and Mind: A Philosophical Inquiry", 2010)

"One view is that philosophy is a kind of halfway house for questions that have not yet yielded to the scientific method." (Ray Kurzweil, "How to Create a Mind", 2012)

"All philosophy is like a tree, the roots are metaphysics, the trunk is physics, and the branches are all the other sciences." (René Descartes)

"Philosophy is, in all, the problem of knowing. It is an undefined Science of the Sciences, a mysticism of the desire for knowledge; it is the very Spirit of the Sciences, and consequently unrepresentable, either in form or application, in the perfect representation of a special science." (Georg von Hardenberg [Novalis])

"Philosophy is empty if it isn't based on science. Science discovers, philosophy interprets." (Albert Einstein) 

"Philosophy is more often the systematization of the prejudices of philosophers than the systematization of nature." (Epifanio de los Santos)

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