09 July 2021

On Puzzles (2000-2009)

"Zero is behind all of the big puzzles in physics. The infinite density of the black hole is a division by zero. The big bang creation from the void is a division by zero. The infinite energy of the vacuum is a division by zero. Yet dividing by zero destroys the fabric of mathematics and the framework of logic - and threatens to undermine the very basis of science. […] The universe begins and ends with zero." (Charles Seife ."Zero, the Biography of a Dangerous Idea", 2000)

"[…] most earlier attempts to construct a theory of complexity have overlooked the deep link between it and networks. In most systems, complexity starts where networks turn nontrivial. No matter how puzzled we are by the behavior of an electron or an atom, we rarely call it complex, as quantum mechanics offers us the tools to describe them with remarkable accuracy. The demystification of crystals-highly regular networks of atoms and molecules-is one of the major success stories of twentieth-century physics, resulting in the development of the transistor and the discovery of superconductivity. Yet, we continue to struggle with systems for which the interaction map between the components is less ordered and rigid, hoping to give self-organization a chance." (Albert-László Barabási, "Linked: How Everything Is Connected to Everything Else and What It Means for Business, Science, and Everyday Life", 2002)

"[…] mathematicians are much more concerned for example with the structure behind something or with the whole edifice. Mathematicians are not really puzzlers. Those who really solve mathematical puzzles are the physicists. If you like to solve mathematical puzzles, you should not study mathematics but physics!" (Carlo Beenakker, [interview] 2006)

"Equations are the mathematician's way of working out the value of some unknown quantity from circumstantial evidence. ‘Here are some known facts about an unknown number: deduce the number.’ An equation, then, is a kind of puzzle, centered upon a number. We are not told what this number is, but we are told something useful about it. Our task is to solve the puzzle by finding the unknown number." (Ian Stewart, "Why Beauty Is Truth", 2007)

"Knowing a solution is at hand is a huge advantage; it’s like not having a 'none of the above' option. Anyone with reasonable competence and adequate resources can solve a puzzle when it is presented as something to be solved. We can skip the subtle evaluations and move directly to plugging in possible solutions until we hit upon a promising one. Uncertainty is far more challenging." (Garry Kasparov, "How Life Imitates Chess", 2007)

"Complex numbers seem to be fundamental for the description of the world proposed by quantum mechanics. In principle, this can be a source of puzzlement: Why do we need such abstract entities to describe real things? One way to refute this bewilderment is to stress that what we can measure is essentially real, so complex numbers are not directly related to observable quantities. A more philosophical argument is to say that real numbers are no less abstract than complex ones, the actual question is why mathematics is so effective for the description of the physical world." (Ricardo Karam, "Why are complex numbers needed in quantum mechanics? Some answers for the introductory level", American Journal of Physics Vol. 88 (1), 2020)

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