23 April 2022

On Consistence (2000-2009)

"Data are generally collected as a basis for action. However, unless potential signals are separated from probable noise, the actions taken may be totally inconsistent with the data. Thus, the proper use of data requires that you have simple and effective methods of analysis which will properly separate potential signals from probable noise." (Donald J Wheeler, "Understanding Variation: The Key to Managing Chaos" 2nd Ed., 2000)

"When a system is predictable, it is already performing as consistently as possible. Looking for assignable causes is a waste of time and effort. Instead, you can meaningfully work on making improvements and modifications to the process. When a system is unpredictable, it will be futile to try and improve or modify the process. Instead you must seek to identify the assignable causes which affect the system. The failure to distinguish between these two different courses of action is a major source of confusion and wasted effort in business today." (Donald J Wheeler, "Understanding Variation: The Key to Managing Chaos" 2nd Ed., 2000)

"Conventional mathematics and control theory exclude vagueness and contradictory conditions. As a consequence, conventional control systems theory does not attempt to study any formulation, analysis, and control of what has been called fuzzy systems, which may be vague, incomplete, linguistically described, or even inconsistent." (Guanrong Chen & Trung Tat Pham, "Introduction to Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Logic, and Fuzzy Control Systems", 2001)

"In essence, mathematicians wanted to prove two things: 1.Mathematics is consistent: Mathematics contains no internal contradictions. There are no slips of reason or ambiguities. No matter from what direction we approach the edifice of mathematics, it will always display the same rigor and truth. 2.Mathematics is complete: No mathematical truths are left hanging. Nothing needs adding to the system. Mathematicians can prove every theorem with total rigor so that nothing is excluded from the overall system." (F David Peat, "From Certainty to Uncertainty", 2002)

"History, as well as life itself, is complicated; neither life nor history is an enterprise for those who seek simplicity and consistency." (Jared Diamond, "Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed", 2005)

"A recurring concern has been whether set theory, which speaks of infinite sets, refers to an existing reality, and if so how does one ‘know’ which axioms to accept. It is here that the greatest disparity of opinion exists (and the greatest possibility of using different consistent axiom systems)." (Paul Cohen, "Skolem and pessimism about proof in mathematics". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 363 (1835), 2005)

"String theory was not invented to describe gravity; instead it originated in an attempt to describe the strong interactions, wherein mesons can be thought of as open strings with quarks at their ends. The fact that the theory automatically described closed strings as well, and that closed strings invariably produced gravitons and gravity, and that the resulting quantum theory of gravity was finite and consistent is one of the most appealing aspects of the theory." (David Gross, "Einstein and the Search for Unification", 2005)

"The worst aspect of the term 'complex' - one that condemns it to eventual extinction in my opinion - is that it is also applied to structures called 'simple'. Mathematics uses the word 'simple' as a technical term for objects that cannot be 'simplified'. Prime numbers are the kind of thing that might be called 'simple' (though in their case it is not usually done) because they cannot be written as products of smaller numbers. At any rate, some of the 'simple' structures are built on the complex numbers, so mathematicians are obliged to speak of such things as 'complex simple Lie groups'. This is an embarrassment in a subject that prides itself on consistency, and surely either the word 'simple' or the word 'complex' has to go." (John Stillwell, "Yearning for the Impossible: The Surprising Truths of Mathematics", 2006)

"The role of conceptual modelling in information systems development during all these decades is seen as an approach for capturing fuzzy, ill-defined, informal 'real-world' descriptions and user requirements, and then transforming them to formal, in some sense complete, and consistent conceptual specifications." (Janis A Burbenko jr., "From Information Algebra to Enterprise Modelling and Ontologies", Conceptual Modelling in Information Systems Engineering, 2007)

"Mathematicians are sometimes described as living in an ideal world of beauty and harmony. Instead, our world is torn apart by inconsistencies, plagued by non sequiturs and, worst of all, made desolate and empty by missing links between words, and between symbols and their referents; we spend our lives patching and repairing it. Only when the last crack disappears are we rewarded by brief moments of harmony and joy." (Alexandre V Borovik,"Mathematics under the Microscope: Notes on Cognitive Aspects of Mathematical Practice", 2009)

"Mathematicians seek a certain kind of beauty. Perhaps mathematical beauty is a constant - as far as the contents of mathematics are concerned - and yet the forms this beauty takes are certainly cultural. And while the history of mathematics surely is many stranded, one of its most important strands is formed by such cultural forms of mathematical beauty." (Reviel Netz,"Ludic Proof: Greek Mathematics and the Alexandrian Aesthetic", 2009)

 "Obviously, the final goal of scientists and mathematicians is not simply the accumulation of facts and lists of formulas, but rather they seek to understand the patterns, organizing principles, and relationships between these facts to form theorems and entirely new branches of human thought." (Clifford A Pickover,"The Math Book", 2009)

"The reasoning of the mathematician and that of the scientist are similar to a point. Both make conjectures often prompted by particular observations. Both advance tentative generalizations and look for supporting evidence of their validity. Both consider specific implications of their generalizations and put those implications to the test. Both attempt to understand their generalizations in the sense of finding explanations for them in terms of concepts with which they are already familiar. Both notice fragmentary regularities and - through a process that may include false starts and blind alleys - attempt to put the scattered details together into what appears to be a meaningful whole. At some point, however, the mathematician’s quest and that of the scientist diverge. For scientists, observation is the highest authority, whereas what mathematicians seek ultimately for their conjectures is deductive proof." (Raymond S Nickerson, "Mathematical Reasoning: Patterns, Problems, Conjectures and Proofs", 2009)

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