23 April 2022

On Rigor (1925-1949)

"[…] mathematics, accessible in its full depth only to the very few, holds a quite peculiar position amongst the creation of the mind. It is a science of the most rigorous kind, like logic but more comprehensive and very much fuller; it is a true art, along with sculpture and music, as needing the guidance of inspiration and as developing under great conventions of form […]" (Oswald Spengler, "The Decline of the West" Vol. 1, 1926)

"As the objects of abstract geometry cannot be totally grasped by space intuition, a rigorous proof in abstract geometry can never be based only on intuition, but it must be founded on logical deduction from valid and precise axioms. Nevertheless intuition maintains, also in precision geometry, its irreplaceable value that cannot be substituted by logical considerations. Intuition helps us to construct a proof and to gain an overview, it is, moreover, a source of inventions and new mental connections." (Felix Klein, "Elementary Mathematics from a Higher Standpoint" Vol III: "Precision Mathematics and Approximation Mathematics", 1928)

"In order to regain in a rigorously defined function those properties that are analogous to those ascribed to an empirical curve with respect to slope and curvature (first and higher difference quotients), we need not only to require that the function is continuous and has a finite number of maxima and minima in a finite interval, but also assume explicitly that it has the first and a series of higher derivatives (as many as one will want to use)." (Felix Klein, "Elementary Mathematics from a Higher Standpoint" Vol III: "Precision Mathematics and Approximation Mathematics", 1928)

"Life doesn't have the time to wait for rigor." (Paul Valéry, "L'idee fixe" ["The Fix Idea"], 1932)

"Geometry, then, is the application of strict logic to those properties of space and figure which are self-evident, and which therefore cannot be disputed. But the rigor of this science is carried one step further; for no property, however evident it may be, is allowed to pass without demonstration, if that can be given. The question is therefore to demonstrate all geometrical truths with the smallest possible number of assumptions." (Augustus de Morgan, "On the Study and Difficulties of Mathematics", 1943)

"Heuristic reasoning is good in itself. What is bad is to mix up heuristic reasoning with rigorous proof. What is worse is to sell heuristic reasoning for rigorous proof." (George Pólya, "How to Solve It", 1945)

"In mathematics as in the physical sciences we may use observation and induction to discover general laws. But there is a difference. In the physical sciences, there is no higher authority than observation and induction but In mathematics there is such an authority: rigorous proof." (George Pólya, "How to solve it", 1945)

"The rules of algebra show that the square of any number, whether positive or negative, is a positive number: therefore, to speak of the square root of a negative number is mere absurdity. Now, Cardan deliberately commits that absurdity and begins to calculate on such 'imaginary' quantities. One would describe this as pure madness; and yet the whole development of algebra and analysis would have been impossible without that fundament - which, of course, was, in the nineteenth century, established on solid and rigorous bases. It has been written that the shortest and best way between two truths of the real domain often passes through the imaginary one." (Jacque S Hadamard, "An Essay on the Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field", 1945)

"For, in mathematics or symbolic logic, reason can crank out the answer from the symboled equations - even a calculating machine can often do so - but it cannot alone set up the equations. Imagination resides in the words which define and connect the symbols - subtract them from the most aridly rigorous mathematical treatise and all meaning vanishes." (Ralph W Gerard, "The Biological Basis of Imagination", American Thought, 1947)

"Mathematics is an infinity of flexibles forcing pure thought into a cosmos. It is an arc of austerity cutting realms of reason with geodesic grandeur. Mathematics is crystallized clarity, precision personified, beauty distilled and rigorously sublimated." (Cletus O Oakley, "Mathematics", The American Mathematical Monthly, 1949)

"Mathematics is one component of any plan for liberal education. Mother of all the sciences, it is a builder of the imagination, a weaver of patterns of sheer thought, an intuitive dreamer, a poet. The study of mathematics cannot be replaced by any other activity that will train and develop man's purely logical faculties to the same level of rationality. Through countless dimensions, riding high the winds of intellectual adventure and filled with the zest of discovery, the mathematician tracks the heavens for harmony and eternal verity. There is not wholly unexpected surprise, but surprise nevertheless, that mathematics has direct application to the physical world about us. For mathematics, in a wilderness of tragedy and change, is a creature of the mind, born to the cry of humanity in search of an invariant reality, immutable in substance, unalterable with time. Mathematics is an infinity of flexibles forcing pure thought into a cosmos. It is an arc of austerity cutting realms of reason with geodesic grandeur. Mathematics is crystallized clarity, precision personified, beauty distilled and rigorously sublimated. The life of the spirit is a life of thought; the ideal of thought is truth; everlasting truth is the goal of mathematics." (Cletus O Oakley, "Mathematics", The American Mathematical Monthly, 1949)

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