15 April 2022

On Series II: Events

"In the same way, this should also happen with regard to time, namely, that between a preceding continuous time & the next following there should be a single instant, which is the indivisible boundary of either. There cannot be two instants, as we intimated above, contiguous to one another; but between one instant & another there must always intervene some interval of continuous time divisible indefinitely. In the same way, in any quantity which lasts for a continuous interval of time, there must be obtained a series of magnitudes of such a kind that to each instant of time there is its corresponding magnitude; & this magnitude connects the one that precedes with the one that follows it, & differs from the former by some definite magnitude. Nay even in that class of quantities, in which we cannot have two magnitudes at the same time, this very point can be deduced far more clearly, namely, that there cannot be any sudden change from one to another. For at that instant, when the sudden change should take place, & the series be broken by some momentary definite addition, two -magnitudes would necessarily be obtained, namely, the last of the first series & the first of the next. Now this very point is still more clearly seen in those states of things, in which on the one hand there must be at any instant some state so that at no time can the thing be without some state of the kind, whilst on the other hand it can never have two states of the kind simultaneously." (Roger J Boscovich, "Philosophiae Naturalis Theoria Redacta Ad Unicam Legera Virium in Natura Existentium, 1758)

"How can a past idea be present?… it can only be going, infinitesimally past, less past than any assignable past date. We are thus brought to the conclusion that the present is connected to the past by a series of real infinitesimal steps." (Charles S Peirce, "The Law of Mind", 1892)

"It is sometimes difficult to avoid the impression that there is a sort of foreknowledge of the coming series of events." (Carl G Jung, "Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle", 1952)

"This transition from uncertainty to near certainty when we observe long series of events, or large systems, is an essential theme in the study of chance." (David Ruelle, "Chance and Chaos", 1991)

"Prior to the discovery of the butterfly effect it was generally believed that small differences averaged out and were of no real significance. The butterfly effect showed that small things do matter. This has major implications for our notions of predictability, as over time these small differences can lead to quite unpredictable outcomes. For example, first of all, can we be sure that we are aware of all the small things that affect any given system or situation? Second, how do we know how these will affect the long-term outcome of the system or situation under study? The butterfly effect demonstrates the near impossibility of determining with any real degree of accuracy the long term outcomes of a series of events." (Elizabeth McMillan, Complexity, "Management and the Dynamics of Change: Challenges for practice", 2008)

"Regression toward the mean. That is, in any series of random events an extraordinary event is most likely to be followed, due purely to chance, by a more ordinary one." (Leonard Mlodinow, "The Drunkard’s Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives", 2008)

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