14 April 2022

On Series IV: Infinite Series

"Even as the finite encloses an infinite series And in the unlimited limits appear, So the soul of immensity dwells in minutia And in narrowest limits no limit in here. What joy to discern the minute in infinity! The vast to perceive in the small, what divinity!"  (Jacques Bernoulli, "Ars Conjectandi", 1713)

"I regard the whole of arithmetic as a necessary, or at least natural, consequence of the simplest arithmetic act, that of counting, and counting itself as nothing else than the successive creation of the infinite series of positive integers in which each individual is defined by the one immediately preceding; the simplest act is the passing from an already-formed individual to the consecutive new one to be formed. The chain of these numbers forms in itself an exceedingly useful instrument for the human mind; it presents an inexhaustible wealth of remarkable laws obtained by the introduction of the four fundamental operations of arithmetic. Addition is the combination of any arbitrary repetitions of the above-mentioned simplest act into a single act; from it in a similar way arises multiplication. While the performance of these two operations is always possible, that of the inverse operations, subtraction and division, proves to be limited. Whatever the immediate occasion may have been, whatever comparisons or analogies with experience, or intuition, may have led thereto; it is certainly true that just this limitation in performing the indirect operations has in each case been the real motive for a new creative act; thus negative and fractional numbers have been created by the human mind; and in the system of all rational numbers there has been gained an instrument of infinitely greater perfection." (Richard Dedekind, "On Continuity and Irrational Numbers", 1872)

"To the thought of considering the infinitely great not merely in the form of what grows without limits - and in the closely related form of the convergent infinite series first introduced in the seventeenth century-, but also fixing it mathematically by numbers in the determinate form of the completed-infinite, I have been logically compelled in the course of scientific exertions and attempts which have lasted many years, almost against my will, for it contradicts traditions which had become precious to me; and therefore I believe that no arguments can be made good against it which I would not know how to meet." (Georg Cantor, "Grundlagen einer allgemeinen Mannigfaltigkeitslehre", 1883)

"Mathematics has, of course, given the solution of the difficulties in terms of the abstract concept of converging infinite series. In a certain metaphysical sense this notion of convergence does not answer Zeno’s argument, in that it does not tell how one is to picture an infinite number of magnitudes as together making up only a finite magnitude; that is, it does not give an intuitively clear and satisfying picture, in terms of sense experience, of the relation subsisting between the infinite series and the limit of this series." (Carl B Boyer, "The History of the Calculus and Its Conceptual Development", 1959)

"By studying analytic functions using power series, the algebra of the Middle Ages was connected to infinite operations (various algebraic operations with infinite series). The relation of algebra with infinite operations was later merged with the newly developed differential and integral calculus. These developments gave impetus to early stages of the development of analysis. In a way, we can say that analyticity is the notion that first crossed the boundary from finite to infinite by passing from polynomials to infinite series. However, algebraic properties of polynomial functions still are strongly present in analytic functions." (Kenji Ueno & Toshikazu Sunada, "A Mathematical Gift, III: The Interplay Between Topology, Functions, Geometry, and Algebra", Mathematical World Vol. 23, 1996)

"[...] the only characteristic property that continuous functions have is that near objects are sent to corresponding near objects, that is, a convergent sequence is mapped to the corresponding convergent sequence. It is reasonable to say that we cannot expect to extract from that property neither numerical consequences, nor a method to extensively study continuity. On the contrary, analytic functions can be represented by equations (precisely speaking, by infinite series). Compared to analytic functions, continuous functions, in general, are difficult to represent explicitly, although they exist as a concept." (Kenji Ueno & Toshikazu Sunada, "A Mathematical Gift, III: The Interplay Between Topology, Functions, Geometry, and Algebra", Mathematical World Vol. 23, 1996)

"What a wealth of insight Euler’s formula reveals and what delicacy and precision of reasoning it exhibits. It provides a definition of complex exponentiation: It is a definition of complex exponentiation, but the definition proceeds in the most natural way, like a trained singer’s breath. It closes the complex circle once again by guaranteeing that in taking complex numbers to complex powers the mathematician always returns with complex numbers. It justifies the method of infinite series and sums. And it exposes that profound and unsuspected connection between exponential and trigonometric functions; with Euler’s formula the very distinction between trigonometric and exponential functions acquires the shimmer of a desert illusion." (David Berlinski, "Infinite Ascent: A short history of mathematics", 2005)

"With the exception of the geometric series, there does not exist in all of mathematics a single infinite series whose sum has been determined rigorously." (Niels H Abel)

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