14 April 2022

On Curvature II

"In order to regain in a rigorously defined function those properties that are analogous to those ascribed to an empirical curve with respect to slope and curvature (first and higher difference quotients), we need not only to require that the function is continuous and has a finite number of maxima and minima in a finite interval, but also assume explicitly that it has the first and a series of higher derivatives (as many as one will want to use)." (Felix Klein, "Elementary Mathematics from a Higher Standpoint" Vol III: "Precision Mathematics and Approximation Mathematics", 1928)

"Any region of space-time that has no gravitating mass in its vicinity is uncurved, so that the geodesics here are straight lines, which means that particles move in straight courses at uniform speeds (Newton's first law). But the world-lines of planets, comets and terrestrial projectiles are geodesics in a region of space-time which is curved by the proximity of the sun or earth. […] No force of gravitation is […] needed to impress curvature on world-lines; the curvature is inherent in the space […]" (James H Jeans," The Growth of Physical Science", 1947) 

"Space-time is curved in the neighborhood of material masses, but it is not clear whether the presence of matter causes the curvature of space-time or whether this curvature is itself responsible for the existence of matter." (Gerald J Whitrow, "The Structure of the Universe: An Introduction to Cosmology", 1949)

"The field equation may [...] be given a geometrical foundation, at least to a first approximation, by replacing it with the requirement that the mean curvature of the space vanish at any point at which no heat is being applied to the medium - in complete analogy with […] the general theory of relativity by which classical field equations are replaced by the requirement that the Ricci contracted curvature tensor vanish." (Howard P Robertson, "Geometry as a Branch of Physics", 1949)

"Formerly, the beginner was taught to crawl through the underbrush, never lifting his eyes to the trees; today he is often made to focus on the curvature of the universe, missing even the earth." (Clifford Truesdell, "Six Lectures on Modern Natural Philosophy", 1966)

"In fact, all our theories of science are formulated on the assumption that space-time is smooth and nearly flat, so they break down at the big bang singularity, where the curvature of space-time is infinite." (Stephen W Hawking, "A Brief History of Time", 1988)

"General relativity explains gravitation as a curvature, or bending, or warping, of the geometry of space-time, produced by the presence of matter. Free fall in a space shuttle around Earth, where space is warped, produces weightlessness, and is equivalent from the observer's point of view to freely moving in empty space where there is no large massive body producing curvature. In free fall we move along a 'geodesic' in the curved space-time, which is essentially a straight-line motion over small distances. But it becomes a curved trajectory when viewed at large distances. This is what produces the closed elliptical orbits of planets, with tiny corrections that have been correctly predicted and measured. Planets in orbits are actually in free fall in a curved space-time!" (Leon M Lederman & Christopher T Hill, "Symmetry and the Beautiful Universe", 2004)

"In maps we have scale models of terrain, but projected onto a plane, thus producing occlusion of a sort not inherent to three-dimensional imaging. Maps do not usually have an obvious perspective; but we see perspectivity when, for example, the curvature of the earth makes marginal distortion inevitable as a result of this projection that lowers the dimensionality. A map too is the product of a measuring procedure, but they bring to light a much more important point about ‘point of view’, essentially independent of these limitations in cartography. The point extends to all varieties of modeling, but is made salient by the sense in which use enters the concept of ‘map’ from the beginning. A map is not only an object used to represent features of a terrain, it is an object for the use of the industrial designer, the navigator, and most of all the traveler, to plan and direct action. This brings us to an aspect of scientific representation not touched on so far, though implicit in the discussion of perspective, crucial to its overall understanding: its indexicality."  (Bas C van Fraassen, "Scientific Representation: Paradoxes of Perspective", 2008)

"Curvature is a central concept in differential geometry. There are conceptually different ways to define it, associated with different mathematical objects, the metric tensor, and the affine connection. In our case, however, the affine connection may be derived from the metric. The 'affine curvature' is associated with the notion of parallel transport of vectors as introduced by Levi-Civita. This is most simply illustrated in the case of a two-dimensional surface embedded in three-dimensional space. Let us take a closed curve on that surface and attach to a point on that curve a vector tangent to the surface. Let us now transport that vector along the curve, keeping it parallel to itself. When it comes back to its original position, it will coincide with the original vector if the surface is flat or deviate from it by a certain angle if the surface is curved. If one takes a small curve around a point on the surface, then the ratio of the angle between the original and the final vector and the area enclosed by the curve is the curvature at that point. The curvature at a point on a two-dimensional surface is a pure number." (Hanoch Gutfreund, "The Road to Relativity", 2015)

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